Computing Reviews

Social MatchUP:a memory-like virtual reality game for the enhancement of social skills in children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Loiacono T., Trabucchi M., Messina N., Matarazzo V., Garzotto F., Beccaluva E.  CHI EA 2018 (Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, QC, Canada, Apr 21-26, 2018)1-6,2018.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 06/19/18

As soon as this paper came across my desk, I knew I had to read and review it. What could be better than a virtual teaching environment for children to whom reality presents a struggle? Social skills are difficult to teach to any population. Most social skills are gained by interacting with other people and through learning by example. Children with neurodevelopment disorders (NDD) are typically not aware of their environments nor do they learn or absorb behaviors from peers.

The authors have done a fine job researching and presenting the different aspects of their development effort, including NDD, wearable immersive virtual reality (WIVR) games, head-mounted displays, social virtual reality, remote sessions, and customization. The discussion is enhanced with images. The approach is clear and supported by literature. A clear explanation of how the game will work is presented. A requirements analysis describes conversations with therapists and educators and observations of the target population.

The design is complicated and requires therapist customization and participation. The section on implementation is really about development. At this point, the game has yet to be implemented by therapists working with NDD children, even as a pilot.

The paper ends with a notification that an empirical study will be conducted in Spring 2018. I would very much like to review the published results. At this point, there are two troubling issues: the complexity of the process, and the willingness of therapists to invest the necessary time and effort.

Reviewer:  G. Abramson Review #: CR146094 (1811-0591)

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