Computing Reviews

MySQL for the Internet of Things
Bell C., Apress,New York, NY,2016. 335 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 11/29/16

This book would be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT). It examines the nature of IoT, hardware for IoT systems, how IoT data is stored and transmitted, and how MySQL can be used in IoT systems. In particular, it examines low-cost and high-availability IoT systems with MySQL implementations.

Material that examines the current and future use of MySQL for IoT is included. Given the extensive use of technical terminology and code samples, the book would generally be suitable for those researchers and practitioners with a first degree or higher in computer science or informatics.

As well as presenting a theoretical and practical background to IoT and the use of MySQL for IoT systems, the book also discusses the wider aspects of IoT systems. For example, chapter 1 discusses big data and security in relation to IoT. Chapter 2 provides a good overview of hardware for IoT systems. Chapter 5 provides an introduction to MySQL code and database design.

The book addresses to some extent the question of whether relational database management systems (RDBMSs) can be extended to accommodate potentially large volumes of device-collected data. The book supports the view that RDBMSs such as MySQL can be extended to handle data from unconventional sources that may lack the schema required to establish the relations among data variables and tables that are the foundation of traditional relational databases.

In summary, the book outlines how IoT works, what hardware is currently available for IoT systems, the different approaches to how IoT data is stored and transmitted, the nature of MySQL, the differences between low-cost and high-availability IoT systems, and how the technologies can be used in practice.

Reviewer:  Mark Taylor Review #: CR144950 (1702-0094)

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